by mrskiki 08 Oct 2015

To all you ladies who allow cats in the sewing room, I have a word of warning: DON'T. Here are some pics of my "million dollar kitty after surgery to remove a large wad of thread from his stomach. Also was wrapped around his intestines, but luckily did not perforate. He was cut from top to bottom and had to wear that awful e-collar for 3 weeks, all the while being kept quiet and away from his sister. Needless to say neither he nor his sister are allowed in any longer. Hugs. Nan W


by dragonflyer 09 Oct 2015

Poor baby...glad you knew he was in trouble..

by graceandham 09 Oct 2015

Poor baby. The collar is the biggest insult. My Dubba fought four months to get his off! I hope recovery is swift and simple, with few additional vet bills.

by gerryvb 09 Oct 2015

poor cat, normally I would say he was in the best place to be, but reading this I can imagine it's not the best place for a cat.... Hope he 's improving soon from surgery, and he get used to the collar as long as he has to wear it. big hug for the cat and for you ))))

by momac 09 Oct 2015

Hi Nan, what symptoms did he have, so that the rest of us who have cats resting in our sewing rooms can look out for. My cats normally come in and go to their resting space that they have chosen. Hugs Maureen

mrskiki by mrskiki 09 Oct 2015

He stopped eating and playing and was just laying around. Not his normal self. His nickname since a kitten has been "Bad Boy Bud"since he is so active and gets into things. By the time I found him the day he got into the thread, he had it wrapped around the whole room. It was also wrapped around his tongue and down his throat. No idea why he thinks thread tastes good!

momac by momac 10 Oct 2015

Many thanks for replying will make sure the thread is safely put away.

by cfidl 09 Oct 2015

Wow! I had no idea this could happen. I have a dog and a cat and I have never seen them eat or even take interest in the thread in my sewing area. I am so glad for you all that he is recovering. Best wishes.

by Patricia109 09 Oct 2015

Thread, rubber bands, pins and needles are dangerous to our loved ones - two or four legged!
When the kids were little I had a child proof gate across the door to my sewing room. Pins were not allowed past that point till they were old enough to now the danger.
Now with only fur-babies; the needles and pins are kept in a drawer. Thread is put in the rubbish each night. Just to mention a few things I do to keep them safe. Not to mention peace of mind for me.
Glad to see you caught the problem in time, Sneaky rascal :-)

by killiecrankie 09 Oct 2015

What a terrible experience for you & your cat ,as well as one for your wallet.Until now none of our dogs have,caused any worries in my sewing room.Our dog had threads in her poos which meant she was eating threads so she was banned.Gandalf our cat was caught chewing the iron cord while I was ironing & he loves playing with things he shouldn't ,he is also banned.The door is always shut if I'm not in there.
Recently found Gandalf playing with & chewing a rubber band that came off the local paper which must have got lost as it was taken off the paper. Pets are very good at finding things to play which can cause serious & expensive problems.

by katydid 08 Oct 2015

So sorry. My Kiki has never hanged around my sewing room except to announce her presence when I am stitching. I am so sorry your cat ingested the thread. Kay

by crafter2243 Moderator 08 Oct 2015

Poor Kitty. Those collars are such a pain for them and look at that incision. I wonder how successful you will be keeping them out of the sewing area.

by lbrow 08 Oct 2015

Poor,poor kitty. So glad they have 9 lives and he has survived his ordeal./Lillian

by zoefzoef 08 Oct 2015

Poor cat ! Lucky everything turned out ok.

by sdrise 08 Oct 2015

Poor thing!! Hope he feels better soon...

by lucypiwow 08 Oct 2015


by airyfairy 08 Oct 2015

What a lucky boy to have survived this ordeal.

by 02kar Moderator 08 Oct 2015

Oh my goodness! I'm glad you were able to save his life. And I'm happy you shared the experience. I had a beloved cat who thought tinsel was edible and elastics were a gourmet treat. Needless to say my husband and I never used tinsel again and was very careful to hide elastics where Slippers could not get to them.

by pldc 08 Oct 2015

Ah Nan I am so sorry to hear this, but happy to see that he is on the mend. He will be back to himself in no time @ all & a very good lesson & costly I'm sure for other kitty owners. ~hugs Loralye~

by baydreamer 08 Oct 2015

Yikes, glad to hear he is on the mend.

by sandralane 08 Oct 2015

Very nasty, hope kitty is on the mend, and soon back to good health. Sandra.

by pennifold 08 Oct 2015

Ooh! poor kitty - what a horrible operation for him to have gone through. I hope he has a full recovery and has learnt his lesson. Love Chris

by basketkase 08 Oct 2015

I have heard this..........this is one lucky kitty to have a mom that knew something was wrong!! Hope he is doing well.......