by chenille 16 Aug 2015

I have been asked by a friend if I can do baseball caps. I have a PE770 and can not seem to find a hoop for this purpose. Do I need a special hoop? And is it difficult to do caps? It looks like I could have a job doing some if I want...... Thanks for any information. It would be much appreciated.

Hugs, Nadyne


by dragonflyer 17 Aug 2015

Check out the link by muflotex below...I have made this hoop as other Cuties have done and it works great!

1 comment
chenille by chenille 18 Aug 2015


by muflotex 17 Aug 2015

hope this helps, on the run for now, be back later

1 comment
chenille by chenille 18 Aug 2015

Yes! Thanks so much!